Published: 28/04/2021

SaaS Demos and why they are Important!

In SaaS, everything is about the “Demo”. Before prospects commit to testing out a new product, they want to get a glimpse of what the product is all about. And it makes sense, most SaaS products incur heavy costs for the prospect’s organisation.

To tackle this, SaaS companies give free trials, which are great. But for more complex products “free trials” are just not enough. Simply because it takes a fair amount of time for the prospect to understand the value of your product, which in turn increases the time gap to convert or monetise the prospect.

This is why giving a demo to high intent and qualified leads is crucial. The logic here is simple, with a demo you get the opportunity to

And to get a foot in the door with these prospects, we try and brand demos in many ways so that they schedule a meeting with us! Like:

But they mean the same thing, speak to us - so that we can help you.

Given how important SaaS Demos are to its customers, here are some of my learnings and insights into the current state of SaaS Demos and what innovations worked in my experience.